You are here: TSM SmartClient > Reports Menu > Loan Reports > Outstanding Loans

Outstanding Loans

Use the Outstanding Loan Report option to generate a detailed list of active loan information as of a given date. The report includes the loan date, amount, interest rate, number of payments, frequency, and outstanding balance. You can generate this report for an individual participant or Plan, or for all Plans/all participants.

How to Access the Outstanding Loan Report Window

On the Reports menu, point to Loans, and then click Outstanding Loans. The Outstanding Loans window displays.

How to Create an Outstanding Loan Report

1.   Select the Plan for which you are generating the report.


Select the All Plans check box to generate a report for all Plan participants in all Plans.  Go to step 3. below.

2.   Select the participant by typing the Participant ID or select a participant from the Participant Search list.


Select the All Participants check box to generate a missing contribution report for all Plan participants.

3.   Enter the Effective Date for the transactions you want to include in the report.  If no Effective Date is selected, today’s date will be used as the Effective Date.

4.   Select the sort order, Participant ID, Name, Payments Remaining, Principal Remaining, or Military Loans.

5.   When you are done, click Process.

Explanation of Fields



Description and Requirements

Required / Optional

Effective Date

Enter the Effective Date for the transactions you want to include in the report. You can type the date using MM/DD/YYYY format or use the calendar. The calendar defaults to current date. If no Effective Date is selected, today’s date will be used as the Effective Date.


Sort Order

Select the sort order: Participant ID, Name, Payments Remaining, Principal Remaining, or Military Loans.


Outstand Loan Report Example